This morning I made just a little goodness to start off my day.
I don't know why I don't do this more often.
I think its safe to say, my grandmother is better than your grandmother. Unless of course we share the same grandmother, then its safe to say that we have the best grandmother. Literally, she is the best. I don't know anyone as thoughtful as she is. Every little holiday she sends a little something special; whether that is a card, or in this case, a box! It always puts a smile on my face when I get mail from my grandmother and I hope that I can catch on to her good vibes and become a little more thoughtful myself. It really is the little things.

Its also safe to say that I am absolutely over cold weather. I hate being inside for this long and unless we get my husband a better car for the snow, I am car-less when there is snow. His car is like 17 years old, so I cannot hate on it too much, but for real, I am spoiled. I need the car. Props to one car families. We did it once and I don't ever want to go back, God willing. I suppose I should just count my blessings. Last time we were a one car family I only had a small apartment to take car of. Now that we have our own home there are a few more rooms that could use some attention and Im not at all "bored."
I remember telling my mother I was bored when I was little. HA. That was like a 'live and learn' part of my life. You only told mom you were bored once and then you realized what an unbelievable mistake you just made. "Oh, you are bored?!" "Well why don't you fold the laundry, or mop the floor, or clean the bathroom, or load the dishes, or vacuum the floor..." ya, you get the picture. Needless to say I am certainly not bored, considering my laundry basket is full of unfolded clothes and my dishwasher needs unloading. I loaded it though, so that has to count for something.
Anyway, we are off to Tulsa this weekend for a work shenanigan for JJ. It should be a good time. We are going early on Saturday to visit an apparently cool aquarium located just outside of Tulsa and Damien is excited to see sharks, "JUST LIKE VECTORS HOUSE." **If you have seen Despicable Me then you know Vector, the villain, has a shark swimming in a pool under the glass floor of his home. If you have not seen Despicable Me then you are missing out and the minions need to become a part of your life. Damien wants to be one for Halloween this year, something I planned on him being last year, but I suppose it will be more fun now that he is old enough to start choosing what he wants to do. **
Now that I am done with that little rant, as I was saying, we are off to Tulsa and we get to stay at the Hard Rock so I am excited about that! The last time I was at the Hard Rock Hotel I was in Paris, France (ahhhhhh the memories) so I am excited to go, even though Tulsa, Oklahoma is nothing like Paris, France.
Here I am outside of the Hard Rock with my travel companions!
And here I am enjoying fresh baguettes.
Well, I suppose I should try and get my life a little more in order before our little trip this weekend. It is also lunch time, which means I need to feed my children. Man, if someone would have told me these little scootchies required all of this work.. why .. I....
haha: ) Don't be scandalized people. I love my children. I just hate making food. Which is why we drink smoothies instead. WAY EASIER.