Monday, February 3, 2014

weekend recap

WARNING: photo overload.

 I would love for this post to be full of exciting adventures and fun activities that we as a family did this weekend, but instead it will be a little less exciting than that.

I might as well get the obvious out of the way-- it was SUPER BOWL WEEKEND!


It was probably the most pathetic show I have ever seen. The Seahawks destroyed the Broncos and since my husbands team was not in the superbowl this year it was pretty laid back. 

Now for a little back-tracking!

Friday seemed like an extra long day because JJ had a few case add ons and did not get home until around 8. We then made a fast trip to target and before I knew it the boys were asleep and Edmund, Jjs younger brother, was headed over to spend the night. We stayed up way too late and unfortunately for JJ he was called in to an early case about 7am and wasn't home until 1pm. Damien on the other hand was ESTATIC to find a guest in the house when he woke up and Edmund was a great help watching the boys while I got a bit of cleaning done. 

After Edmund left the boys played trains and Damien practiced his dribbling with the new basketball he got from JJ. I received a gift too! Flowers! That really added a nice burst of color to our kiten table. 

A quick lunch of my new favorite soup-- or bisque I should say-- and then we headed to confession and mass before having my brother and sister in law, Jon and Rita, and our goddaughter Colette over for a spontaneous dinner of potato soup. Soup twice in one day is not the norm around here- but I would probably eat my new favorite bisque every day if it wasn't so darn pricey! 

Saturday evening was an early one for us since we had stayed up much too late the previous night. The whole family was asleep by 10pm and Sunday morning was a snowy one. Damien finally got his wish- a snowball fight! 

After a breakfast with our shades on (Damien wore his sunglasses), we went out to get the boys a haircut at Sportsclips. Owen and I waited in the car so that Owen wasn't tempted to get down onto the floor filled with other humans hair and it's safe to say Damien thinks he is the coolest kid on the planet getting his hair cut like a big kid. 
I think y'all know the rest. Super Bowl time. Jon and Rita had a great BBQ party which was a lot more fun than the game. It's always a great time hanging out with family and friends so I guess the Super Bowl wasn't too much of a bust. 

It was a pretty good weekend overall, even if we didn't explore a crazy beautiful forest or find a super quirky thrift store- which is what it seems like the rest of the world does on weekends. 

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