Friday, January 31, 2014


Yesterday was a beautiful day in our neck of the woods. We had no fire scare and we actually had a little bit of rain in the midnight hours! *Praise hands*

The cold air is starting to move in again after we had a little break from our 'snow storm,' but today the whole sky has been covered in a haze and we are supposed to have some freezing rain on Super Bowl Sunday and possibly snow early in the week. 

We spent the day making fake spaghetti and having dance parties in our kitchen to the Bee Gees radio on Pandora. I am continuing the tradition of dance parties with my own children- just like I used to throw them in my room with my sisters. 

Then I made a massive grocery list and Damien helped me cut coupons while Owen napped. And by help I mean shred my coupons so I have to go back and re-print. Thanks for the help, scootch. After I realized I was getting nowhere we switched to stamps and crayons and made pictures of Gru and the minions from Despicable Me. 

I cannot wait until spring is actually here and the boys can run around in the backyard and not be so cooped up! Damien has so much energy and never ceases to amaze me. Just when I think he is about to crash he gets a recharge from a sip of water or a bite of cracker and he is at it again for three more hours. 

It has been one of those days where the last thing I want to do is cook dinner- I would rather eat cereal. Fortunately for me I don't actually get to do that anymore since I have three other mouths to feed. But the new favorite food around here is spaghetti squash. Yummmo.  

I remember the first time I ate a spaghetti squash. I was 10, and my Pa was showing me how to make and garnish this giant yellow thing that didn't look appetizing at all. He let me shred the inside of it though and in return I had to try a bite. It was delicious. But everything Pa used to make was delicious. 

It's the perfect meal for us. Damien can help prepare it by shredding the 'guts' as he calls them, and it is so good for us! We are a pasta loving family so this is definitely a good substitute. 

We ended the day with a quick trip to Target and Damien fell asleep on the way home- 1 me 0 Damien - and a little FaceTime with my mom and sisters.

That's all for my little weekday recap. A little all over the place, but like I have already told y'all, the whole point of this blog is to keep my loved ones connected to me. 

God is good. 


 *making spaghetti*

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