Wednesday, October 1, 2014

back to it.

I'm back! 

And just in time for October! Did I completely skip the months of August and September? Oops. Eh, nothing happened anyway. Other than an All-American Rejects concert, lots of days at the splash pad, visits to the beloved zoo, date nights, building a fire pit in our backyard, and other little daily life things like that. We also celebrated a year  of living in our home! Cheers to that. 

The month of October has been good to us so far! We spent the day at the newest splash pad in our city and also a trip to happy hour at sonic. It was a gorgeous fall day --91 degrees! Oklahoma weather is all sortsa over the place so we just roll with it and have a nice assortment of clothing available at all times. 

I would need a lot more room then this one blog post could contain to write about the happenings over the last two months. So we shall just start with this past weekend :) 

We took a road trip to my sister and BILs for the christening of their newest bundle of joy this past weekend. We were able to see some of my family as well as lots of family friends while we were there, and our boys got some good quality time in with their cousins. We spent about 4 hours at the Omaha zoo and we barely even put a dent in all there is to see. But we hit all the main attractions and no one was complaining as we left, so id say it was successful. We only had one minor speed bump on the way home that cost us..oh.. And extra hour and twenty min of our trip :) Let's just say after stopping for coffee (since we were estimated to get home about midnight) at one of those between the interstate dunkin donuts, we headed back north instead of continuing south :) Don't worry, we figured it out and by 1:30 am we were snug in our beds! 

I spent Monday getting our things unpacked and Tuesday grocery shopping. This morning I peeled and cut hundreds (okay more like 40) homegrown apples from my dad! I am now stocked for all things apple. 

Now here we are at the starting line of October and I know it will be a good month. Jj has been working some loonnnnggg hours the past three days, so hopefully this weekend will bring a much needed refresh for all of us :) 

I promise I will try and stay on top of my writing for now. No promises though. 

Enjoy :) 


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