Friday, May 30, 2014

where to start.

Sooooo it looks like it's been almost three weeks since I written anything down via the web. I'm trying to think back that far but I have a hard enough time remember what I did in one day. Naturally this post will be filled with pictures and a whole lot of nothing else :) 

Damien is stuck on that 'why' train and questions 100% of the things I say. I told
him the other day that we have to wear sunscreen in the pool so we won't burn our skin and he asks, "why?" I respond... "So we don't burn ourselves.." He asks.. "Why?".. I respond oh so scientifically, "because the sun is very hot and it's rays could burn our skin and you could get cancer and that would NOT be good because you would have to go to the hospital." And he asks "why " and I respond "do you want a fruit snack?" And that's how we handle that.

I can say that I do love how he asks questions about everything one could possibly think up questions to, but it does make me feel a tinsy bit pathetic at times. His mind does not shut off from the moment he wakes up until the second he falls asleep and I wish I had that much wonder about the world around me. I love the little sponge that his mind is. 

In other news I can report that the DIY t.v stand I've been working on since like, oh I don't know.... Thanksgiving... Is finally painted! Once I have my baskets in place I can show the final product.. I know y'all are just dyyiiiinnnngg. HA. Yaaa.... Not. It only took me about 6 months to decide what I was going to do with it-- no wonder things like painting our room and finishing our flower garden out front haven't gotten done. I need a solid half year to think about such tasks. Maybe next spring, flower garden. 

Its becoming hot and humid as it does during this time of year, so the obvious thing to do was get a zoo pass. Our local furniture store runs a spring special where you can get about 30 bucks off a zoo pass for a family so we jumped on that opportunity. Now that Damien is three he isn't free for anything anymore... so it's time to step up to the big leagues and get a zoo pass. I feel like a mom now. Zoo pass. Who has those?! Oh yah, moms. Because moms love to torture themselves by taking kids to a place filled with thousands of other kids all running around the wild animals, all while pretending they aren't sweaty and wanting to puke at the disgusting smell that's coming from the rhinos mud/poop pit that happens to be located directly across from all the picnic tables. I don't know why they don't offer things like spa passes- pay 50 bucks and you get free lemon water with pedicures and massages all year. 

Who would want a spa pass anyway? A zoo is practically a spa... They have those buttons you can push and zoo water will mist you so your are no longer hot or sweaty... Just smelling like zoo water while your child wants a 30 dollar zoo ice cream. Ah but we love the zoo. We have already been enough times that the membership has paid for itself. So now it's practically free, and everyone likes a free trip to the zoo.

So yah. Damien is three.. when in the did that happen! I have a three year old?! Time has absolutely flown and it feels as though I have lived my whole life with him. Every  time I look at him I I cannot help but smile. He is the peanut butter to my jelly and I cannot imagine life without his infectious smile and crazy dance moves. 

We just had a small family dinner with the in laws and the whole time Damien kept asking when his friends were coming. Reality slap Damien, I am the only friend you'll have forever. Enjoy your party. 

Now that we have a "little kid" who actually speaks like a teenager, we decided we should sign him up for some sort of activity. Soccer, obviously, was the activity of choice. Damien thinks he is FLASH and runs around the house having me watch how 'fast' he is and tells me he is going to run faster than his coach. It really is precious though. I cannot wait to see him out there on Saturday mornings, running in circles and  following the ball around like a bee on honey. Or something of that nature. Get it, bees... Nature... ;) 

My super cool husband and BIL bought Thunder playoff tickets for my SIL, Rita, and I to have a moms night out. Woot woot! Not to mention it was an epic win after being down 2 games in the series.... Sooo it was pretty much legit. major props to the boys for hooking us up with margaritas and a great game. I even came home to sleeping boys and a scrubbed kitchen floor- HAHHA- jk.. It wasn't a fairy tale it was just moms night out. But seriously it was the best. 

Life has been great. God is good and I have no complaints, not that I ever should, but I am human. 

Enjoy :) 

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