Monday, May 12, 2014

"Why do people go to the bathroom...

"Why do we go to sleep at night?"

"Why is Owen smaller than me?" 

"Why does dads breath stink in the morning?"

"Why is your stomach soft?"

"Why is that person farting?"

Just a few on the questions I have been asked in the past day as Damien has official entered the 'why' stage. 

He even asked where babies come from. Uh. What? I said "from mom" and moved right along. He asked 'why' and I blissfully ignored it and offered a fruit snack ;) crisis averted for another year.. Or week. 

We have had a gorgeous couple of weeks here. Busy. But good. Well who am I kidding, I do the same things every day- JJ is busy at work and I'm doing the same things ha. It doesn't seem like I am very busy even though chasing Owen and trying to keep him away from eating bugs and dirt all while wrestling with Damien and his extremelllyyyyyy whitty tongue; does in fact keep me busy. 

We have tried to spend as much family time together the last week or so... which included a trip to the zoo, a thunder playoff game for mom and dad, and lots of pool time. Everyone seems to be getting hip and knee replacements these days so we soak up as much time with JJ as we can. His job does not entail set hours... which I do love, especially on the slow days... but these days he is in the OR early and home late. Thankfully the weather has cooperated and we have been making several trips to the park every week and having lots of picnics on the porch. All this time outside has resulted in a nice summer glow for myself, so I cannot complain. Im not about to go lay out in the furnace-like sun that is the Oklahoma sun. Those days of caring whether my skin was dark are long gone...ain't nobody got time for heat stroke or melanoma, which is no joke.

It has been so hot and its not even technically summer. My SIL had the brilliant idea of taking the kids to see the new movie "Bears" that just came out. Its fantastic. Its a documentary of a mama bear and her cubs and their first year of life-- totally cool. It has some unreaaaaaal footage and they show at the end how they took some of it. SWEET! But the theater we went to was recently updated and had love-seat like chairs. They were all paired in twos and they I will never see another movie in another theater! They were perfect for keeping the boys occupied. Having both seats reclined made it so Owen had plenty of space to crawl around on the chairs and Damien spent the last ten minutes adjusting the recline which I was totally okay with. Whatever gets us through. Honestly I was impressed they both made it. I was definitely nervous going in but nothing a fruit snack and some intense bear footage can't cure.

It is playoff time in our house. JJ has succeeded in making me a legit Thunder fan and I probably would go to every single game in I had the funds. They are funnnnnn. Thank you to my BIL who works at an Oil and Gas company that is a big sponsor of the Thunder, he and his wife won tickets to game 7 and unfortunately were out of town for the game so JJ and I lucked out with those babies. I honestly did feel a little bad for taking the tickets, but then I arrived at the arena and had way too much fun to feel bad. Thanks, Jon! My your job be ever prosperous at Devon! We are currently tied 2-2 in this round and back to a home game...ahhhh why don't I have chunks of cash to drop on tickets! Oh ya, student loans. Damn.

But on the bright side, we have cable and can actually watch the games on a real tv, unlike last playoffs where we had to live stream the games and that didn't cut it. So we have plenty to be thankful for.

The easter candy is finally gone at our house.....minus the nasty plastic pieces they try to pass off as twizler bites. Those went in the trash. Nasty. But thank goodness Easter only comes once a year because my body cannot handle having all the Reeses' eggs around. DEADLY. I don't work out enough to eat those.

Well I should probably check on my kids and see what they have gotten into. Damien is currently into markers (yikes) and Owen likes to destroy my plastics container in our I'm pretty sure I've got a mess to clean up somewhere.

Happy Mother's day to all you beautiful mothers! I'll write a post for what we did on our mothers day.... another time...

Enjoy :) 

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