Thursday, April 10, 2014

birthday month

It's my birthday month! Welcome, beautiful April. Naturally this is one of the best months of the year. Spring is in full bloom and the weather is low 80's and gorgeous. It's time for planting and *almost* time for a little kiddo pool to make an appearance. Honest. It's 85 here today and it's feeling warm in the sunshine. 

I really cannot believe we are already into the double digits and before ya know it Damien will be 3! Wait, what? Let's skip last that and I can pretend he is never growing up....

Hopefully the saying "April showers bring May flowers" is true because we have had several showers and absolutely no flowers going on here. We have a pretty large flower bed in the front of our house and it doesn't appear as though the previous owners had much of a green thumb-- it's disastrous. Jj is determined to beautify it though, so maybe by May we will have a few flowers :)

April has been a fabulous month so far. It started with the Oklahoma Catholic Woman's conference which was great. It has also brought plenty of late evenings (or should I say mornings) for JJ at work. Seriously, Monday night he was in at 6am-- home at 1am. Not cool, not cool. But April had also brought a few early afternoons where he is blessed to be home so I really cannot complain too much. 

We have also spent some good nights with friends this month- one night inparticular that taught us how to remove permanent market from tile and somewhat from a white refrigerator. Vinager and resolve people. 

Let me take you back-- not that I want to relive the experience but rather so you can learn. 

So we are all sitting blissfully watching the National Championship game at our good friend Josh and Jamie's when Jamie had a nice mother intuition that 2 yr old Emma and 2 yr old Damien were being awfully quiet in the kitchen. Her husband Josh proceeds to the kitchen where suddenly we here "Jamie you are not going to like this." I walk in to find two toddlers with pens, and plenty of abstract art on the tile floor and white refrigerator. Immediately all adults grab their smart phones and begin to google search 'how to remove permanent marker from tile.' Plenty of good ideas came up: tooth paste, vinager, denatured alcohol, and my personal favorite "nothing!! It's called permanent maker for a reason!!" Thank you, Yahoo answers for that mind boggling answer. Well Jamie grabbed a bottle of vinager and I started scrubbing! Alas- to our surprise it started to come off! Then we grabbed the resolve ----because what doesn't resolve get out. And whala! The tile is now permanent marker free! Thanks to vinager, resolve, and a little bit of elbow grease. The refrigerator was a tad bit more difficult. However, with a combination of goo gone, magic erasers, vinager and resolve-- a lot of it came off. 

Damien came around the corner half way through the scrubbing and gasped "what did you do!!" Yaaa-- get outta here. 

Later that night as Jj was dressing him for bed he found evidence of Damien's involvement. 

Nice try, kid. 

Damien really has been such a joy in my life. I cannot tell you how much love my heart has for him-- literally I could burst. He is turning into such a beautiful little soul. This morning while we were saying our morning prayers he told me, "mom, I want to be a saint... and an alter boy." Gahhhhhh. I must be doing something right. I love that little man. 

And Owen, ohhhhh squishy little Owen. He is REALLY trying to babble and has little conversations with himself throughout the day. He has recently learned to crawl on top of everything and the right side of his face is constantly bruised. 

But beyond permanent markers and bruised faces we have had quite the exhausting past few days. I really haven't seen any of JJ--- maybe a few hours, tops-- so tomorrow we are having a date night! A little Thunder basketball :) it will be a much needed night out together, but it won't just be the two of us! JJ's second cousin, Louie, is from London and on a three month holiday with a friend to the good ol' US OF A. So they are coming to the game as well. It has been really fun meeting extended family members, and if we are ever in London we know who to contact! 

But in the mean time I will just dream of my own Euro trip and soak in every moment of my beautiful life just as it is.

Enjoy :) 

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