Monday, March 31, 2014

so apparently it's Monday---again.

I have always had a love hate relationship with Mondays. Mostly a hate. There is something about a Monday morning that makes you want to cling to your pillow that much longer in the morning or have three cups of coffee because 'it's Monday.' 

And after a weekend like we had here at the Pedulla household, I dispised this morning even more.

Thursday was a glorious spring day and we had a little play date set up at my SIL's house with our friend Jamie. That meant if I could make it through the morning then I would be home free until JJ got home!! Well, my Thursday got even better when my hubs texted saying he had lunch time free so I packed up the boys and we headed to "the lizard food" as Damien calls it, which is more formally known as Iguana. It's this SUPER yummy Mexican grill that has the best salsa in OKC (that I've tasted) and has massive fake Iguanas all over the place. So after we indulged I headed home for a quick nap with the boys until we could walk to my SIL's-- and of course no napping took place and instead it was a battle of "can we PLEASE go over NOW" for almost a complete two hours. I may have showed up a few minutes before the designated time but I couldn't take it anymore haha. Jj worked well past the dinner hour, which around here is about 6, and I don't actually remember when he got home but I passed out at like 8:30. ZzZzzzZzzzzzz. And we all know how I like thoseZzzzzz.

Friday was an exceptionally slow day for Jj at work, which can be pretty typical on Fridays since doctors are out of the office early-- but there is always that dreaded lingering case that keeps getting pushed back and back which means my handsome hubs has to stay in the city and cannot home even though he is just hangin at the office. BUT, alas, it was not one of those Fridays. He was home early and the afternoon was ours :) 

Jj decided that since he had the afternoon free he would take Damien on a little father/son date. I was texted photos of Damien enjoying fish fillet from mcdonalds and swinging at the golf range. *heart melting* he is so darn cute. 

Saturday was an attempt to get a few home projects done; such as finally finish my tv console from an old dresser, but we only ended up pulling weeds from the garden and eating pancakes. And taking selfies... Lots of selfies. That evening JJ and I (along with Owen), went to the annual Birth Choice dinner which is an organization that offers help to woman in need who find themselves in planned or unplanned pregnancies. This is the third year we have gone along with JJ's parents and it is always such a beautiful and inspiring event-- not to mention the mashed potatoes are worth going for alone. We dropped Damien off at a good friend of ours home and he didn't even bat an eyelash when we left. He is getting so old and mature and I need to find a DIY to keep him young forever. 

Sunday morning my hubs played golf with our BIL, Jon, while I did three loads of laundry and vacuumed, twice. I have a weiiirrrddd OCD with vacuuming. It's weird. Then we went to lunch and Jj took the boys to the park while I knocked out the weekly grocery shopping in what would have taken twice the time if I had the boys. I love grocery shopping by myself. It's therapeutic. 

Now here we are, Monday. We meet again. It was a-okay though. It was almost 80 degrees, my tv console is finally sanded, more weeds were pulled, the boys played outside for hours and we went on a family walk after dinner.  Oh, and we got a dog! JK... But Damien did stop to see puppies for sale on the side or the road. 

The boys fell asleep in an instant (so did Jj) and I actually get to sit down and write this. 

 I love days like today. 


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