Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This past week was full of crock pot meals, dates with the cousin, outside projects, dates to Braums, oil changes, cookie making, a DIY, and scoring a brand new Ergo at Target for 50 bucks :) Score.

It was one of those weeks that never seems to slow down, and while I would prefer that most of the time, I am happy that this week has been a bit slower due to colder weather and rain.

During one of our pretty low key snow storms this past winter one of our little tyke neighbors hit our mailbox with his  fourwheeler "sled" *ahem* and so it had been propped up against our cement driveway for the past few weeks. The teenage kid that delivers our mail way out here in Logan county never cared that our mailbox was laying on the ground. He would manuver his go cart like vehicle and drop the mail in....... but apparently thats against USPS rules or whatever it is they tell you and so an older woman who came by to deliver our bills and junk mail refused to drop it at our house or in the box. Annoying. So we finally made a trip to Home Depot to gather up our supplies for the new post.

I cannot say I really contributed to this project, except for looking up how to do it and telling I guess I did contribute, except for the physical labor which is the hard part. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband :)

Aside from household projects we spent time meeting JJ between cases, taking a trip to the park,  evening dates at Braums for family ice cream and trying to find a better way to store rice then those flimsy plastic bags they come in. And I was successful.

Spring has been flirting with us and we have had gorgeous 75 degree days and then days like right now...rainy, cloud cover, and cold.

I really need to learn how to upload videos to my blog because I have some hilarious ones of Damien shenanigans. Last night he kept asking me if the cheese was different then the cheese we had at his friends house a few weeks ago. I didn't realize a child could ask the same question 100 times until it happened to me last night. Each bite he took came with the same "is this cheese different from Eli's house."


Okay, Owen is clinging. And for the moms you know what that means. Snotty nose rubbed against my freshly laundered jeans that I was planning on wearing more than once (which I still will... I was just planning on wearing them more than once, snot free).

I guess I will just have to upload pictures. Which is what I was planning on doing anyway.


-waiting for our oil to be changed-


  1. Lovig your babies as those flats! Do share your secrets, fashionista!

  2. Yes, please figure out how to load video...then put one up of your dancin' boy, Damien! Looks like you've had a great week.
