Friday, March 7, 2014


If only I were able to write down all of the funny things Damien says throughout the week. This kid is a comedian. Between jokes that he makes up and learning how to pronounce words, we usually have a few good laughs during the day. 

And some not so funny times. But mostly funny-ish.

Now if only I could remember some of those funny-ish things from this week---- then you could enjoy them as well! 

Trust me. They were funny (ish).
One of the not so funny things Damien has picked up on (from who knows where) is saying, "but I already tooollldddd you!" Yah. That's not cute. If for some reason my ears don't hear him correctly after I ask him a question and I need to ask a second time, his reply is .."but I already tolllldddd you." 

We have definitely had a few raised eyes when we are out and someone hears him say that. The latest was at Sprouts Farmers market where Damien was opening a package of something and I asked him more than once what it was. He answered as any sweet boy would do with, "but I already tollldddd you" and the young cashier with a hook through her nose gave me the 'eyes.' But I gather they meant something like, "wow your child is so smart to know to say that he already told you" or maybe .. Actually that's all I can think of. And I don't think they meant that at all. They probably meant something more along the lines of, "wow I can't believe you let your child talk so disrespectfully" or "wow, have you taught him anything? My child would never say that!!" 

As I stand there smiling, the answer (in my head) is, most often, "oh just wait you new mom to that precious little newborn who cannot do anything bold just yet-- your day will come" or "thank you, elder, have you never been around a child, let alone any other human being! I guess you live in a perfect bubble!" Or in this case "hurry up and package my food so I don't have to see the nose hook anymore and actually keep my appetite for this food I am buying."

Ok that was harsh. But it was only in my head. And it was true. Truth hurts. But I bet that nose hook hurt more.

I guess my child is the only sassy pants around-- thinks every mom ever. But any parent knows they have the sweetest child who ever graced this world and they are only sour out when the whole world can see. 

But don't dare correct them. Nowadays you never know who is hiding behind the make-up aisle where your child may have broken an $8 bottle of ugly nail polish or behind the produce aisle where he has successfully pulled unpackaged lettuce onto the floor and is laughing hysterically.

Ay, motherhood musings. 

But who could ever raise eyes at this face. 

I'm pretty sure he made this face as we passed the nose hooked cashier. 

She smiled. So that made it worth it.

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