Monday, March 3, 2014

r.i.p., mater.

Sooooo....we have had a recent death in the family.

A little history: this was our third beta-fish. In like, two years. The first one was eaten by the other (even though I told JJ you aren't supposed to put male and female betas together) he OBVI listened to me. Then the second developed some sort of fungal thing that made its eyes pop out of its head (GROSS)!!!! So then we waited about a year before Damien could even understand what a fish was and could help pick a new one out, feed it, clean the bowl with JJ, ect., ect.

So, he picked a bright red, male beta, and named him Mater. But here is the thing--get this-- Mater DIDN'T EAT. Yah, what the heck. Literally, in the few short months we had him we only saw him eat ONE pebble. One. Like, okay he has an extra-small stomach or maybe he just didn't like people watching him eat..buttttt I'm pretty sure it was more than that. Poor Mater.

So fast-foward to yesterday and I went in to "feed it" and there lay floated Mater. Part of me was really bummed because this was the THIRD fish we weren't able to keep and the other part was concerned for our septic because I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to flush fish. Oh well.

Fortunately Damien has not even figured it out so clearly he wasn't even that into him. I think JJ is glad he no longer has to clean the bowl--that was our agreement, we got a fish and the boys cleaned the bowl! woo!

R.I.P Mater.

Well we had a beautiful and bipolar week. I am pretty used to bipolar weather since I grew up in Nebraska and it would be gorgeous and sunny one second and then freezing and snowing the next. However, now that I live in Oklahoma I no longer appreciate the cold weather AT ALL and would prefer it to be 75 and sunny all the time. Like it was the first half of the week. GORGEOUS. Shorts and my beaming white legs graced our neighborhood but I'm not so sure they were welcome. I seriously need to spend some time outside this summer as to not blind our neighbor with my wintery white glow. I don't think I have been even remotely tan since before Damien was born, so I might just have to accept it as I don't have time to soak up many rays, nor do I really want to spend any free time I might have laying out in the Oklahoma heat.

JJ had a really busy week so he was working a lot and the boys and I spent a lot of time outside. We had a few adventures out like Uncle Sean's basketball game and killing time at Old Navy. The latter wasn't relaxing at all considering Damien was trying on just about everything in the store. I also only had my single stroller which meant no where for Damien to be contained and he definitely did laps around the check out line as I was telling him it was time to go.

Poor Damien, what a hard life he leads. It sounds as if ripping off his toenails when I announce its time to leave. Giving this kid a warning of 'five minutes, three minutes," does not work just makes the ruckus start that much earlier. I am however the master baby rounder-uper now, so it is getting a whole lot easier to rope this kid. Now that Owen is starting to walk though......I am going to need to step my game WAY up.

The days kind of blurred together last week, but I did make 180 cash moniiessss from selling things on craigslist/Edmond Mom exchange and that is always a good week. JJ had a work Dinner on Friday night and a cadaver lab on Saturday morning, so we didn't see him much until Saturday afternoon but the boys and I made chocolate chip pancakes and watched a Bubble Guppy marathon so it was all good.

Saturday night we brought dinner to our good friends David and Braden Whitmarsh who just had their second, a little girl, who happens to be our God-daughter! She is ABSOLUTELY precious. I cannot believe how small my boys once were-- SO CUTE. Owen was smitten by baby Ginny and Damien sang her songs while I held her. It was great to see them and Braden didn't even look like she had just had a baby. I'm pretty sure I looked like a zombie for a month. Props to Braden.

Saturday night started in with the sleety kind of hail and we were covered (hahaha Covered, not compared to other parts of the States) in a white blanket. JJ made a few great fires and told the boys stories on the floor. I love watching those three and I told JJ the other day that I don't mind being the only girl...and I'm starting to actually prefer it. Queen Bee over here...."wuuut wuuutt."

I hope all of my 3 readers had a great weekend :)

I'm off to change a diaper and build a lego tower.

Happy Monday!

P.s- When you have a minute say a prayer for Natalie , or you may know her as The Busy Budgeting Mama, she has been in the hospital since February 20th and is currently having a surgery to remove the source of her mystery pain!

P.p.s.- enjoy this comic my grandmother sent me-- I have already posted on how she is the best grandma in the world-- and this just backs that up even more.

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