Tuesday, March 11, 2014

double dates.

Last Thursday was the Feast Day of my god-daughter, Colette Marie- so naturally a celebration of some sort was in order.

The weather was still a bit too chilly to be galavanting around outside with toddlers and babies, so my SIL had a great idea of heading to the mall for cupcakes and a pit-stop at the indoor playground. Along with our friend Jamie, who has two little ADORABLE girls, we had a great play-date.

The day goes by so fast when you are having fun with friends and your kids are entertaining each-other. I hardly feel like I am parenting when I am actually out of yoga pants and my hair is down. HA! I'm sure a few other moms can relate. Or not. I know several super-woman moms who read this and they are dressed like the minute they get up. One day that will might be me.

I didn't even realize how long we were there when an hour had already passed and our kids still hadn't ran out of steam. Now that Owen is walking it makes it a whole lot easier to go to those places because I don't have to stand with him the whole time.

JJ was in-between cases so he even got to meet us at the mall which really helped out during cupcake time. Naturally Damien wanted the ONE cupcake out of the whole spread that I did not want, but it worked out in the end as I am trying hard to say no to the things I want this Lent. Although in this case it was a cupcake I wanted, but the gross kind I got, soooooooo it wasn't too much of a sacrifice.

We had a marvelous time and made it out completely alive with no major breakdowns-- so it was a successful trip!

Friday morning brought about our new (and by our I mean myself and a few good friends) semi-annual event-- CONSIGNMENT SALE. Ah, I love consignment sales. I was in need of a spring wardrobe for Damien and I was really fortunate to find some awesome pieces. All Ralph Lauren, Gap, Nike, Jcrew Kids.....SCORE. Plus a few items that I know he is going to dirty up in the backyard so its awesome that I don't have to buy those brand new.

I even scored a pair of Polo tennies for Owen that look like they have been worn TWICE and they were five bucks. MAJOR SCORE. Quality shoes for five bucks, yes please. I even found the same pair online and they were priced at fifty buckaroos.......NO THANKS.

Oh, and did I mention I shopped hassle free? Since it was a Friday, JJ didn't have any cases until later that afternoon and so he stayed home with both of the boys while I ran around like a single lady! Well, not quite, but after a consignment sale, Dunkin Donuts coffee, hobby lobby, AND target without children.... I felt like a completely new woman. Not that I don't love my children and carting them around every where I go ( hehe )....but you moms understand...even five minutes of alone time can make you feel like you just went on a week long vacation! And after the cold weather and too much time inside, it was exactly the refresher I needed.

Plus, its only semi-annual....sooo I better take it all in while I can.

Its my little man's 1st birthday today, so a post on his party is coming soon!

Enjoy :)

*a few items I scored*

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