Tuesday, July 29, 2014

these days.

this is currently my view:

I can't help but feel so incredibly blessed to even be sitting outside in the shade of this beautiful tree that sits right outside my humble abode. 

Sap story. But it's the truth. 

This summer has been such an awesome reminder of how blessed our little family has been. Let's face it- we have always been blessed. Jobs, places to live, food to eat, incredible family, and close friends. Through any "trial" we have faced, something greater has come out of it. I don't always remember that, so don't think I always live by those words ;) We haven't gone through anything extremely trying this year, but the year isn't over and I know trials will come. Hopefully I can remember these days and my own words of wisdom when they do come. 

In the meantime thank God for how great this summer has been. 

It has been the small things like ice cream dates with my boys and my sisters making a trip down to see Damien play soccer that have been filling my thankful tank. *ahem, what an extremely weird analogy* It hasn't all been peachy keen (what does that even mean?), for instance Owen has been putting me through the ringeeerrr with his crazy sleep regression----but brighter days are on the horizon, right?! We are making the transition to the boys sharing a room, so your prayers and well-wishes would be greatly appreciated for the next decade while we figure that out. Ok, but ya feel me? All parents hollar "I"  thank you. Solidarity. By the time he figures it out he is going to be a teenager who "doesn't need sleep" just like I don't need dunkin donuts on a daily basis. What's that you say? Not a good argument? Well I'm the parent and I said so. But really, some days do actually run on dunkin ;) 

But life is sweet. We enjoyed lots of time with friends this past weekend and I already wish my sisters would take another trip down here. I'm having an itch for fall and really want to pull out the long sleeves and boyfriend jeans; but I will just have to wait patiently. Who am I kidding? I JUST put away my boys clothes from the winter. 

We have a pretty slow weekend ahead of  us but it will FINALLY be August and I can shred my July calendar. July has been good to us but I'm ready to say goodbye and check off more days of the year like my little crazy self likes to do. In the meantime I need to decide what's for dinner ....or maybe go get a sno cone instead. Decisions, decisions :) 

Enjoy :) 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

let's play catch up

Life has really caught up with me the past month or so. I thought to myself today, "oh, its probably been two weeks or so since I blogged"....uh yah almost four.

Lo siento.

As promised, photos of Damien rocking his new Lil' Kickers soccer jersey will grace this post today and probably an awkward family photo capturing our first mistake in embarking on this journey I  try not to think of as over-priced child athletics. The kid is three. We need to slow down. But its so cute. I'm thinking maybe a little YMCA league this fall-- somebody stop me.

But really, we as a family have really enjoyed every Saturday morning at Soccer City and the little soccer family we have become a part of. Its been a few years since I've played, but man does it make me miss it. Maybe a little co-ed adult league for the hubs and I one of these seasons... ;) ;) hm? yes? no? maybe? yes. The last time I saw JJ play soccer he body slammed a poor skinny kid and almost scored in the wrong goal. It could potentially be really fun though.

Damien has also embarked into the world of 'school.' Not the extremely organized kind, but we have started a few things with him and I am really quite impressed at how quickly he is picking things up. For 10 minutes. His attention span is like a spastic light bulb.

Owen has gone on a never ending streak of, 'I refuse to sleep, I refuse to sleep...I won't sleep...I might kill you with my inability to sleep..." Parents, ya dig? These are the nights that parents don't like to share and well seasoned parents tell you that you will "miss." uhhh..ya...pretty sure I won't miss them as I am catching up on dayyyyyys of sleep when I'm 70. I might actually never get out of bed. Today I was trying so hard to watch the World Cup and I literally could not keep my eyes open. My sweet, sweet, Owen. 

This too shall pass.

But he is so cute.

JJ is working harder and harder every day, but he absolutely loves his job so that really helps. And I love his job, so thats even more important. Jk. But whats the saying, "Happy Wife, Happy life?" hehe. Im jokinnnnngggg. Kinda. We have been so incredibly blessed this past year and I cannot believe he has already been working for a whole year and we have almost lived in our house for a whole year. Whoa. We are really feeling like adults now.

We were even nominated for yard of the month in our neighborhood- but then we didn't mow for like a week- so we lost that one. Another time. Our flower garden really is looking pretty darn good if I say so myself. I thought for sure our flowers would die because  I would be too lazy to take of them. Quite the opposite. They are thriving and I really enjoy watering in the morning and even picking the weeds.

Wait, did I just say I enjoyed picking weeds? Who am I? 

We made the trek back to my homeland for the 4th of July, something we have done every summer we have been married-I think. It's always so much fun going back home and seeing everyone. Although it really makes me wish we lived that much closer. Damien enjoys every second we are there- from all the new toys, horses, motorcycles, chickens, a pond to swim in, and the dog and cat- he is in heaven. Every time we leave he hates it (as do I) and every now and then he tells me that he has a 'really good idea' which is... Going to grandmas. I do have to agree- it's a pretty darn good idea. 

This week we are having some serious weather lows for the summer- it's only a high of 70 tomorrow and it was only low 80's today. I'll take it. The first summer I lived here in this wonderful state we had 60 consecutive days of 100 ++ weather. Praise The Lord we lived in an apartment with an incredible pool or we just may  have died from heat stroke simply by stepping outside. But it's been wonderful here the last two days and so I'm hoping to turn off my AC and save me some $$. We shall see though-- my AC ghost (JJ *ahem*) must sleepwalk and turn it to {arctic temperatures} more commonly known as FREEZE YOUR WIFE. He wonders why I wear pants and hoodies to bed--- it's obviously not for the sex appeal. Yes, I just said sex appeal. 

Welllllll.. Like all posts here end... time for photo overload since this may be the last time you hear from me in this millennium considering the pace at which I write these blogs. So until next time, 

Enjoy :) 

*so enthusiastic*